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Buddhist Circuit in India: Take the Tour to Explore Buddhism

Explore Buddhism: India is one of the places in the world where people arrive for spiritual reasons along to explore its natural beauty. Various religious leaders from different parts of the world have arrived here in search of salvation and spirituality. Bihar, an Indian state, has been revered as the place where Buddhism originated and there are a few more places popular among Buddhists and other tourists who wish to take a Buddhist tour in India.

Explore Buddhism: Buddhist Circuit in India

Buddhist circuit in India

The Buddhist circuit in India includes. Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Nalanda, Vaishali, Kushinagar, Gorakhpur and Varanasi. It will take you 8 nights and 9 days for the whole tour and the tour will be a memorable one especially when you opt for the tour package that Delighted Journey offers. However, there are five major Buddhist destinations in India and Lumbini is the place where Gautama Buddha was born. Bodh Gaya is the place of enlightenment. Sarnath is the place where he gave his teachings and he died in Kushinagar.

All the five places that make the Buddhist circuit in India are the best places to feel the transcendent charm of Buddhism, the religion. India is a sacred place for Buddhists even though India is not a Buddhist state. The main reason is that Gautama Buddha was born in India and attained enlightenment in India as well. The tour packages that are designed for Buddhists’ pilgrimage help travellers explore the well-known Buddhist destinations, stupas, temples and vihars of Lord Buddha.

Buddhism Tour in India

If you are interested in taking up the Buddhism tour in India, you must get in touch with a good, experienced and reliable service provider. Delighted Journey is there to help you through and provide you with a package that would help you to know the religion better. The best thing about these places of significance for Buddhists is that they are easily reachable and can be visited without much fuss and hassle. So, once you decide to take the tour, the support of Delighted Journey will help you decide so that you get more than you expect from your tour.

While taking up the Buddhist pilgrimage tour of India you will also come to know about popular Buddhist schools, Buddhist heritage sites, monasteries and many more. You will certainly be surprised to know about the facts about things related to religion. The packages are available at affordable prices and they are beneficial for all including travellers who have come to India to explore Buddhism. This religion stands for spirituality, holiness, humanity and peace.

Pilgrimage India Buddhist tours

Pilgrimage India Buddhist tours are special for all Buddhist devotees. Scholars who are interested in learning more about the religion and depth of the teachings of Buddha also find this very helpful and interesting. It is an incredible journey for all Buddhists and for those

who want to explore Buddhism in depth. On this tour, you will also come to know about the popular festivals, traditions and culture of Buddhism.

If you happen to visit any of these places during the Buddhist festival you will find how fascinatingly the temples and the cities are decorated for the special occasion. Devotees like to worship the enchanting statues of Lord Buddha, his images or footprints that are found in the temples out there. If you are looking for the best option for this special pilgrimage, it is advisable to choose the Buddhist pilgrimage tour of India specially designed by the Delighted Journey. One of these packages will give an ultimate opportunity to explore Buddhism in India and discover renowned Buddhist sites of India.

Marvellous architectural monuments and cultural heritages that are related to Buddhism in one way or another are found in India. So, if you cover the Buddhist circuit in India including the Ajanta caves you will be able to get a glimpse of the architectural skills of Buddhists. Once you take up the tour you can stay assured that the representative of the Delighted Journey will be there to welcome you and will guide you through the tour giving you the stories behind every place and monument.

Tour of your choice

Before starting a Buddhist tour in India you will be given a short description of your tour so that you get an idea about where and when you are going to visit next. If you are interested in taking only the Bodhgaya tour, you will get a chance to learn everything about how Lord Buddha got answers to his questions like overcoming ageing, sickness and death. This is the place where Buddha meditated found the answers and attained supreme Enlightenment. This is the reason why this place is visited and appreciated by the devotees from all over the world.

Lumbini tour will make you visit the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Here you will find an ancient shrine that has preserved an image that represents the nativity of Buddha. Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini while his mother was on her way to his maternal home. Every Buddhist who is devoted has a wish to visit this place at least once in a lifetime. Just like Lumbini, Kushinagar has also a special significance for Buddhists. This is the place where Lord Buddha took his last breath.

Visit Kushinagar and Sravasti, the latter being the place where Buddha gave his teachings so that you get the opportunity to visit the important places of Buddhist significance. Kushinagar is located near Gorakhpur and is one of the most beautiful Buddhist pilgrimages in India. It is the place where you will find the last memories of Lord Buddha. Many Buddhist stupas and viharas of the 3rd and 5th centuries are still found in their original form here.

A trip to Nalanda and Rajgir will take you to the ruins of Nalanda University, which is one of the oldest universities in the world. The ruins contain a lot of Buddhist stupas, chaityas, monasteries and many more. Rajgir has places like the Gridhkuta, the hill where Buddha

meditated and many more. During the tour, you can also buy items of Buddha theme which will enrich your memories of this wonderful journey.

By Delighted Journey

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