Dharamshala is located in northern India, on the heights of the Himalayas. The city existed before the arrival of the British and holds great spiritual power for many Indians.
One reason for this special status of Dharamsala is the name of the place, as “Dharma” means law, customs and religion. The full name of the city also means “pilgrim’s hostel”. The Dalai Lama, who had to flee his homeland Tibet in 1959, also lives here.

This place is divided into Upper and Lower Dharamsala. Above, at an altitude of over 1,800 meters in the Indian Himalayas, the Upper town is located. Many exiled Tibetans also live here. Lower Dharamsala is the economic artery and is located 500 meters below the Upper town. Many hiking trips start from here, where you walk along the winding mountain paths and enjoy the natural beauty of the Silk Road.