
19 Days 18 Nights



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India Trekking to the source of the Ganges

The India Trekking – To the Source of the Ganges takes us along the holy Ganges to its source Gaumukh. The onward route takes us over the Gangotri glacier further up to the beautiful meadow of Tapovan. The meaning of Tapovan is forest of deprivation or spiritual practice. This is an ideal trek for adventure seekers who want to discover nature and experience the mighty Himalayas at high altitude.






The India Trekking – To the Source of the Ganges takes us along the holy Ganges to its source Gaumukh. The onward route takes us over the Gangotri glacier further up to the beautiful meadow of Tapovan. The meaning of Tapovan is forest of deprivation or spiritual practice. This is an ideal trek for adventure seekers who want to discover nature and experience the mighty Himalayas at high altitude.

In technically easy stages we hike in the southern part of the largest mountain range in the world. Our daily stages allow us to acclimatize well. The highest planned point on this tour is at 4500m. We start and end this scenic India trekking in the capital Delhi. We experience the culture of India up close with many temples and their historical sites. We can also attend the ritual washing in the holy river Ganges. The ritual ablution serves to get closer to one of the life goals of the Hindus, “Moksha” – salvation.

To the source of the Ganges means that we hike to Gaumukh. The source of the Ganges is fed by one of the largest glaciers in the Himalayas. This lies amidst the snow-capped peaks of the Garhwal Himalayas.
Garhwal is a region of ancient temples, holy rivers, ancient history and folklore, a land mentioned in the ancient history of India. The Ganges is one of the largest rivers on earth and you will hardly find a river that is more revered and sacred than the Ganges.

The first half of the trek takes us to the Dayara Bugyal. Bugyals are alpine pastures or meadows at higher altitudes between 3,300 and 4,000 meters. They are considered to be one of the most beautiful and breathtaking alpine meadows in the Himalayas.

The panoramic view from these meadows of the nearby mountains Banderpunch, Kalanag and Gangotri is simply breathtaking. We always move between high mountains, all of which exceed the 5000m, 6000m and 7000m mark. An unforgettable moment is the view of Shivling 6543m, the Matterhorn of India.

Qualified, local and very experienced guides lead you to the source of the Ganges.


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