Palitana is a holy city in the state of Gujarat in western India. It is considered the gateway to Shatrunjaya Hill and offers unique insights into Jain architecture and art. The temple complex is surrounded by a fortress-like wall and consists of about 850 individual temples. It is located at a height of 600 meters on the top of the mountain and the tourist has to climb 3800 meters to the top. A stunning view awaits you at the top and if you manage to climb the roof, the view gets even better. Food cannot be taken into the temple or eaten there. The descent should be before nightfall. Palitana is considered one of the first vegetarian cities in the world. A detour to Palitana should not be forgotten on an India tour. The city is easy to reach by bus or train as there is a small bus station here.

Jain Temples on Shatrunjaya Hill
The holy city of Palitana is the gateway to Shatrunjaya Hill and a pilgrimage site. About 900 temples, all built of fine marble, are located on the top of the hill. They are surrounded by thick walls and one has to climb more than 3000 steps and cover a distance of 2 kilometers to reach the top of Shatrunjaya Hill. But the effort is worthwhile because once you reach the top, the visitor gets a breathtaking view of the city of Palitana. The temple of Sri Adishwar was first located on Shatrunjaya Hill. It is one of the most magnificent temples, near which the Muslim sanctuary of Angar Pir can also be visited. The mountain and the Palitana temple are a sacred pilgrimage site of the Jain community. India is full of attractions, has a serene atmosphere, and is the birthplace of many religions and yoga. Therefore, visiting this fascinating country is a highlight.