
Ayurveda:- The True Traditional Indian Medicine

Contrary to preconceived ideas, Ayurveda is much more than a cure for well-being and relaxation with simple relaxation massages, it is indeed a complete traditional medicine. In India, Ayurvedic medicine, whose name means “science of life”, evolved over more than 5,000 years. It is based on plants, minerals, and essential oils. Today, it is a branch of medicine in its own right, unique and indispensable, a natural system that depends on the diagnosis of the body’s humors to achieve a good balance of body and mind.

Ayurveda includes different therapeutic disciplines: surgery, disease treatment, psychiatry, pediatrics, toxicology, and the science of longevity and rejuvenation. Doctors and therapists are trained in medical universities, just like allopathic doctors, surgeons, etc.

The main goal of Ayurvedic medicine is not to directly address the symptoms of a disease, but its causes. It’s about helping the body heal itself. When it is no longer able to do it, then help is given to it, but always on the principle that it is the organism that must first do the work with its resources, psychological, and chemical. , energetic.

Centers specialized in Ayurveda offer excellent results for rheumatism, diabetes, insomnia, weight problems, skin problems, back problems, etc. But for really serious pathologies, it is preferable to go to an Ayurvedic hospital , where complex issues are better addressed.

How to benefit from Ayurvedic treatment while traveling in India?

Many hotels across India specialize in Ayurveda. They offer holistic treatments and therapies, ranging from a simple wellness massage to a real cure. The quality of care given varies from hotel to hotel. Abhayamgam, a simple and beneficial full body massage, can be considered a discovery of this medicine. Some hotels have become completely exclusive and offer stays only for 2 to 3 weeks or more. In this case, it is necessary to plan your stay in advance as part of your trip.

For long-term treatment, it is possible to consider focusing solely on Ayurvedic treatment. Delighted Journey has selected some exclusive hotels that provide the very best quality care, primarily in Kerala.

How much time will be required for Ayurvedic treatment?

For Ayurvedic treatment, the minimum duration required is 8 days. But there are also treatments that 2 weeks or more. Of these, the most famous are the Panchakarma-type treatments lasting 21 days (pancha means five, and karma means steps, system, actions). It is a treatment that re-harmonizes the body, organs, mind, breathing, and nervous system and purifies the blood. It happens in 3 phases, initial, main, and post-treatment. Since this is an intensive detox and healing cleansing program, the treatments and diet are specific to each individual’s constitution while following Ayurvedic principles.

How is Ayurvedic treatment provided during treatment?

The exclusive hotels selected by Delighted Journey offer genuine Ayurveda treatments and are able to treat all pathologies addressed by Ayurvedic medicine. However, not all treatments and oils are recommended for everyone. It is the Ayurvedic doctor who will define the type of treatment and regimen suitable for each individual. In general, there are 2 treatments per day, alternating with periods of rest and activity.

Ayurveda treatment is often accompanied by the practice of yoga. This ancient science brings about well-being as a natural state when mind, body and environment co-exist in perfect harmony. Inner peace becomes a goal for a person seeking good health and happiness.

Like all treatments, Ayurvedic treatments give maximum results if at least some of the principles of Ayurveda are followed in daily life and with repetition. Because even if a single treatment provides immediate effects, it is necessary to consider doing it regularly to establish its benefits in the long term.

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By Delighted Journey

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