Ayurveda in India by delighted journey
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Ayurveda in India by Delighted Journey

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient science originating from India that is based on very established principles. Ayurveda in India, “unconventional” medicine is based on a set of sacred texts grouped together in the “Veda“.

For an Ayurvedic treatment doctor, the human being is composed of five elements: “Akasa“: space; “Vayu“: air; “Tejas“: fire; “Ap“: water and “Prthivi“: Earth. Ayurvedic care will therefore strengthen or reduce these elements according to the patient’s needs.

Ayurvedic science explains the balance of the “doshas“: These are the fundamental energies of the human being. These forces are present to varying degrees in humans and are divided into three elements:

  • Vata or wind concerns all body movements such as the heartbeat or breathing. When this energy is balanced: it creates creativity and alertness. Conversely, when it is unbalanced: it implies stress or fear.
  • Pitta or fire is linked to digestion and blood. If it is balanced, it implies increased tenacity and intelligence. On the contrary, if it is not balanced, it causes frustration and anger.
  • Kapha or water is found in hydration and the immune system. In balance, it creates love and gentleness. In imbalance, it will cause possession and greed.

The fundamental goal of Ayurveda in India is the maintenance of health, the healing of diseases and self-realization. The Ayurvedic treatment doctor therefore has the role of determining the needs and treatments of his patients. Each body being different, the treatments are multiple and vary enormously.

Ayurveda in India is therefore mainly a way of life: an Ayurvedic cure is the beginning, but the practices and treatments must last several years to prove truly effective!

The different treatments and benefits

Ayurvedic treatments begin with an intense Ayurvedic cure of a few days, or even several weeks.

An Ayurvedic cure consists of a succession of meditation sessions, massages and herbal treatments and balanced meals. Yoga, which shares the same objectives, has a very important place in these cures.
Your cure begins with an appointment with a therapeutic specialist. The primary goal of Ayurveda being to analyze the three forces of the “dosha“, the doctor will, through a detailed questionnaire on the lifestyle and character of the individual, determine the level of the different doshas in his patient.

Once this analysis is finished, it is confirmed with a specific analysis of the person’s pulse. With these results, the Ayurvedic treatment doctor will adapt the treatment and meals of the individual. The goal is to achieve perfect harmony between the three fundamental energies at the end of the treatment. The main objective of the Ayurvedic cure is to detoxify the body over several days. You will therefore be able to experience various cleanings and applications of plants and essential oils.

The different treatments and purification procedures are found under the name of “Panchakarma”. These techniques, broken down into five stages, aim to free the cells and then the body from the toxins it contains. The first ones concern the detoxification of the stomach through the ingestion of clarified butter and a light purge. Then, massages with essential oils will bring the toxins to the surface, finally, sweating and enemas will evacuate the toxins from the body. Diet is also at the heart of a cure to help the treatments and not create new toxins.

The benefits of long-term Ayurvedic treatment are numerous: stress reduction, improved sleep, weight loss, body reset, improved blood circulation, elimination of toxins, etc.

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